1 صحيفة “وشنطن تايمز” الأمريكية تنشر ملفا عن الرئيس الموريتاني المنتخب (تفاصيل ) – موقع السياسي

صحيفة “وشنطن تايمز” الأمريكية تنشر ملفا عن الرئيس الموريتاني المنتخب (تفاصيل )

نشرت صحيفة “وشنطن تايمز” الأمريكية ملفا عن الرئيس الموريتاني المنتخب محمد الشيخ الغزواني استعرضت فيه تاريخ الرجل وظروف انتخابه.

وجاء نشر الملف أياما قليلة بعد توجيه السفارة الأمريكية في نواكشوط تهنئة للرئيس غزواني على انتخابه رئيسا لموريتانيا مشيدة بالخطوة التي اعتبرتها نموذجا يحتذى في القارة الإفريقية والعالم العربي لإرساء التبادل السلمي على السلطة. وفي ما يلي نص الملف

The retiring president wasn’t forced out and hasn’t been hauled off to jail. Instead, he retired voluntarily and plans to return to private life. It’s a shame that this went virtually unnoticed in the United States. In this country both because of the importance of Mauritania in the war on terror and Washington’s supposed interest in nurturing emerging democracies.

It used to be said that the definition of African democracy was “one man, one vote, one time.” Little has changed continent-wide especially at a time when more authoritarian models of governance are in vogue worldwide. Leaders who bump up against constitutionally imposed term limits tend to seek and obtain constitutional changes that allow them to remain in office, we hope that this Mauritanian experience will serve to many others in Africa.

Mauritania itself has suffered nine coups since gaining independence in 1960. Its retiring president, 62-year-old Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, was elected for a second term in 2014, he decided to not seek a third term and to abide by the constitution. He mobilized against the terrorists that threatened Mauritania and used the county’s vast virtually uninhabited desert as a sanctuary and staging ground for attacks on other nations in the region. In the process, Mauritania became a valuable ally of the United States and brought stability to his own country.

There were rumors that, like the rulers of the Congo Republic and Rwanda, the president would have the constitution amended to allow him to run for a third term this year, but he surprised many by announcing that he wouldn’t tamper with the const

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